SchoolGenes FAQs and Setup Information

Last updated 3930 days ago by SchGenesAdmin


  • Set Up Information - How To Use SchoolGenes
  • Course Registration & Prerequisite Requirements
  • Innovative & Inclusive Education - Bringing Together The Best In Education
  • “The Hannaian Difference” in Education
  • Hannaian Open University (HOU) - Teach Your Class Online, It's Free!
  • HRI Bands of Excellence - The Smartest Students Meet At
  • The Hannaian Student Matching System (HSMS)
  • Why Students, Academic Teaching Institutions, & Corporations Should Utilize

Set Up Information - How To Use SchoolGenes

SchoolGenes utilizes constantly updated, comprehensive, state of the art, community media internet architecture, providing a fully interactive, intergrated and collaborative system for online teaching and learning. It is structured to allow registrants to have a personal website and platform which can contain various types of information. Also, each registrant can establish and participate in any number of Groups which can also contain similar types of information as the personal web platform. The Personal Platform and each Group within the personal platform can contain various functions and sections including Pages, Blogs, Files, Bookmarks, An Event Planner & Calender, Photo Albums, Videos, Audio Player, Message Board, Polls and more. Access to these Personal or Group Platform sections and functions can be controlled fully by the Registrant and/or Group owner. In addition, there are site wide functions such as The Wire, Chat Room, A Market Place and more. Members can interact with each other and within the groups in several ways, making the community a fully interactive and collaborative community perfect for online educational purposes.

Although non-registered and logged in users may access some information on SchoolGenes, full access to the various functions requires a user to be registered and logged in. Registration is free, easy, and quick. Only registered and logged in users will have full access to membership in various groups or courses. Membership in some groups or courses requires an invitation.

Members should register using their full name as their "Display Name" and an abreviated name as their "User Name". The "User Name" must be at least 4 letters with no numbers or symbols and without any spaces. The display name allows your website platform to be recognized, found, and searched for more easily on the hub. The abbreviated user name allows for an shorter URL address if you want to have a shorter more user friendly URL to give others to find your website platform. It is important to register under the most appropriate Profile Type that fits your purpose on SchoolGenes.

After registering on SchoolGenes you should next complete and setup your Profile Page, and then your Dashboard which allows you to personalize the SchoolGenes Platform to your particular needs.

The Profile is your public persona on the Hub. Others on the Hub will only see items/widgets you place on your Profile based on the permissions level you set. You will be able to add additional menu and other items you may want Hub users to access from your Profile.

The Dashboard is your personal control panel hidden from other users, and allowing quick easy access to your areas of interest when using SchoolGenes. Using the Dashboard you will be able to access additonal menu type items and functions on the Hub.  SchoolGenes is an Internet Hub containing a tremendous amount of information and dynamically generated websites. Therefore it is most important to setup your Dashboard in order to effectively utilize the massive amount of information and functions available. Please setup your SchoolGenes Profile and Dashboard as soon as you can to facilitate your working in SchoolGenes.

The Profile and Dashboard sections are accessed from the Control Menu usually located below the Main Menu. The Main Menu contains links to general functions on the Hub. (In certain configurations these Menus are located in the Side Bar. The Control Menu may also be located at the top of the SchoolGenes Screen). The Profile and Dashboard sections are easily setup and configured to the member's needs by adding widgets and then dragging the widgets to desired positions on the page.

Again, Members may engage in all activities and functions in SchoolGenes either as an Individual or as a member of a Group. You may setup personal web pages, blogs, discussion sessions etc.. You may also start or join a Group and perform these activities and functions as a Group member.

After registering at and setting up their Profile and Dashboard sections, student members may register for a course by requesting to join the Group conducting the course. Also directly under their Personal Profile platform, students may establish study, research, and other groups to enhance their educational, interactive, and collaborative activity for each course they are enrolled in, or for any other educational purpose. Registrants may also be invited to one of the standard "HRI Bands of Excellence" or establish their own "Band of Excellence" to band or bring together top students and experts to promote excellence and scholarship in a particular area of learning and academic interest.

HRI Course Instructors, Hannaian Open University Instructors, Institutions, Corporations, Businesses and other entities utilizing SchoolGenes to develop and teach courses, classes, and training sessions can utilize the various sections of the Group platform to deliver various aspects of the Course.

PAGES (Personal or Group)

The Pages section is generally used to hold written content for the different modules of the Course, The first part of this content is usually the Syllabus or Course outline which should provide a profile of the Course with hyperlinks to the various modules which should be contained in their own page(s).

BLOG(S) (Personal or Groups)

Registrants, Group Owners or Operators can establish a Blog to continually update students and followers during the tenure of the Course.

FILE(S) (Personal or Groups)

The File section is used to upload files needed for instruction in the Course.


BOOKMARK(S) (Personal or Groups)

Bookmarks are used to bookmark various websites and material  on the Internet that will be used for educational content or reference within the Course.



Photo Albums, Videos, and Audio content are used to facilitate the delivery of the Course as needed.


EVENT PLANNER & CALENDER  (Personal or Groups)

The Event Calendar & Planner is used to schedule personal online sessions by the Instructor, or scheduling the times of instruction modules, testing, conferences etc.


MESSAGE BOARD (Personal or Groups)

The Message Board is used to provide discussion between students and between students and the instructor(s).

POLLS (Personal or Groups)

The Polling function can be used to poll the students within a Course on various matters that enhances the interactivity and collaboration within the Course and Educational Hub.



The Site wide functions such as The Wire, Market Place, and Chat Rooms provide further interactivity and collaboration within the Course and Educational Hub.


Course Registration & Prerequisite Requirements

Each Course has its own registration and admission requirements and Students should visit the Course/Group Listings and Course Bulletin Board for each Course to determine these requirements. Generally before being admitted to take an HRI course, a student must provide certain particulars about their education and experience whereupon if deemed adequate they will be admitted to enroll in the standard course. The general process begins with completing both the profile and portfolio forms which can be accessed by visiting the member's profile section by clicking on the member's portfolio avatar in the top menu bar at the top left corner of the most SchoolGenes screens.


Once enrolled the first quarter of each course is a probationary period wherein the students’ performance in related course work is judged as to their ability to stay current and competitive with the general body of the class. The Instructor shall at the end of the first quarter provide full enrollment privileges only to those students deemed capable of being competitive with the general body of students in the course. Those students not granted full enrollment will be offered the ability to take the standard course the next semester if they complete required remedial work as identified by the Instructor.

Innovative & Inclusive Education - Bringing Together The Best In Education
The Best Students, Faculty, Institutions & Courses

The Smartest Students Meet At is a meeting place and forum for innovators in education, sharing ideas and strategies to improve education productivity and delivery. It is also the Course Development Portal & Online Teaching Center of the Hannaian Research Institute (HRI). See more about HRI and Online Academic Programs. is also a general resource center for academic course development and provides college administrators, faculty and students from any institution an interactive meeting place to compare & discuss, access, and resolve, academic policy, legal and other issues.

As a specially designed HRI Education Resource Center, Internet Hub and community network site, is a totally free and unique service to the academic and corporate training communities. It allows school administrations, faculty, students, school news personnel, school organizations, corporations, businesses and their leaders to create your own self controlled special interactive web space to showcase your programs, organization, news, accomplishments, interests  and issues.

The platform supports school activity from Elementary to College programs and organizations in an interactive community based collaborative environment.

You may even use the facilities to market and advertise your education and school related projects and activities.

You may use the various facilities of the SchoolGenes Hub either as an individual, or to create and/or participate in Groups which showcase your activity, and/or your School's activities. Your own showcase and interactive web space on will allow facilitation of yours and your School’s interests, news and related endeavors, and collaboration between Schools and within Schools.

The Hannaian Open University (HOU) program allows any teacher, institution, organization, school, church, corporation or other entity to utilize the SchoolGenes platform and facilities to deliver their course, mini-course, class, presentation, or training program online to a group of students or audience. In other words anyone can have their own online classroom on under Hannaian Open University.

In addition, you may use special groups like the "Issues In Education Group" to interact with other users of SchoolGenes about any Educational issue you desire.

School and College Administrators should pay special attention to HRI's Articulation Partnership Program which is designed to attract student enrollment and registration to HRI Articulation Partnered Institutions. HRI's state of the art direct marketing program to students is designed to attract top students to its exceptional array of specialized online courses and enroll them in HRI's Articulated Partner Institutions.

Members in the interactive and collaborative environment of SCHOOLGENES.COM have facilitated access to the research and knowledgebase of The Hannaian Research Institute, and to some of the best minds and researchers in the field of Education Productivity. is a Web Hub of the Hannaian Media Network. All Hubs within the Media Network operate and function similarly, and provide users with the ability to showcase and update their own web platform while interacting and collaborating with other Network users. Google Chrome or FireFox are the preferred browsers to use with this site, since some advanced features may not work fully with all of the various versions of Internet explorer.

“The Hannaian Difference” in Education

  • HRI utilizes accepted standardized testing (SSAT, PSAT, SAT, ACT, Graduate & Professional Exams, etc.) wherever possible to measure the  success of students in course content and in critical thinking & analysis. A “Results Oriented” approach. While education is about collaborative learning, it is also about competition and a “Hannaian Education”is built around both concepts, and designed to produce the kind of results accepted & necessary to compete in the highly competitive modern global economy.
  • Our goal is to continue to keep the Brand “A Hannaian Education", associated with only the absolute best in academic quality & achievement. Our courses are designed to bring out the best in each student and produce only top level achievers. Students who cannot achieve at these levels in respective coursework are identified early in the process and provided with the option of completing remedial work if applicable. Underachieving students will not be allowed to delay the progress of those capable of high achievement. Each course therefore has a remedial prerequisite which an underachieving student will be offered if they are underachieving at the end of the first quarter of the semester. The first quarter of the semester in all courses are designed to analyze the capacity of a student to achieve within the respective course work. Those not achieving for whatever reason at the expected level will not be allowed to move forward in the regular course, and would have the option of completing remedial work before re-entering the course in a subsequent semester.
  • Special content and features are built into each course, “Critical Thinking & Analysis” (CTA), “Tech Transfer Enabled” (TTE), “Student Group Teaching Opportunities” (SGTO), “Special delivery modes”, etc. which stamps and certifies it as a “Hannaian Course”.
  • Our Educational offerings gain their exceptionalism from being Teacher developed and based, and not generically generated and taught. HRI Course Developers and Instructors are either highly qualified academically or by their exceptional experience and celebrity in their chosen field.
  • Courses are developed and taught by the Course Developer the vast majority of the time, so that the Instructors in most courses are experts who take pride in delivering their content and tutelage and are not just performing a job teaching a cookie cutter course. Courses are therefore highly tied to the “Apprenticeship Model” where the goal is that the students learn from a “Master” and can functionally perform in the highly competitive modern global environment.
  • Course developers and Instructors are integrally involved in the operations of the Institute and receive high economic returns and investor type status for their hard work and expertise in course development and instruction. This ensures the continued excellence and exceptional quality of course development, maintenance and academic instruction.
  • There is a focus on the specialization of the course. Each course was developed for a specific purpose rather than to fill out a part of a general curriculum.
  • Strict Admission & Prerequisite standards are emphasized in order to get the best and most interested students for each course. Good students help motivate and teach each other and thus improve learning. The quality of the teacher and course developer combined with the best students defines the exceptional quality of a Hannaian Course. Each element is important. Despite what competing systems and opinions may say, the quality of the student and their interaction in the teaching environment is as important as any other factor. HRI strives to bring the best, most motivated and most educationally homogeneous students to each class. Underachieving students are not allowed to hinder the progress of super achieving students. HRI uses its proprietary “Hannaian Student Matching System” (HSMS)to match the level of students to each class. Top students take courses designed at their level. Under achieving students take courses designed and taught at their level until they can qualify to move to top tier courses.
  • The Hannaian Research Institute is a research based Institute specializing in Intellectual Property Commercialization, and Academic and International Technology Transfer. Students benefit from this background, expertise and experience in bringing innovation to global markets. Most HRI course developers and faculty are researchers and innovators in the marketplace.
  • The Hannaian Education model emphasizes delivering exceptional quality academics, versus the well documented publicly traded corporate model dominated by shareholder profit driven motives, and primary dependence upon revenues generated through governmental financing, lobbying and politics. HRI’s primary role is to facilitate the exceptional research & academic output of its affiliated faculty and researchers.
  • HRI’s role in education is to collaborate in articulation, and supplemental curricula with established, reputable, academic teaching institutions rather than supplanting school curricula, managing school operations, and operating its own diploma and degree granting alternative schools. HRI’s resources and expertise in academics is therefore solely focused on producing exceptional quality courses as a “Research and Specialized Course Development & Instructional” Technology Transfer Institute.

The Hannaian Student Matching System (HSMS)

Before being admitted to take an HRI course, a student must provide certain particulars about their education and experience whereupon if deemed adequate they will be admitted to enroll in the standard course.

Once enrolled the first quarter of each course is a probationary period wherein the students’ performance in related course work is judged as to their ability to stay current and competitive with the general body of the class. The Instructor shall at the end of the first quarter provide full enrollment privileges only to those students deemed capable of being competitive with the general body of students in the course. Those students not granted full enrollment will be offered the ability to take the standard course the next semester if they complete required remedial work as identified by the Instructor.

Hannaian Open University (HOU)

Teach Your Class Online, It's Free! Hannaian Open University (HOU) allows any teacher, institution, organization, school, church, corporation or other entity to utilize the SchoolGenes platform and facilities to deliver their course, mini-course, class, presentation, or training program online to a group of students or audience. In other words, anyone can have their own online classroom on under Hannaian Open University. HOU is the Hannaian Research Institute's commitment to promoting education and learning in recognition of the United Nations campaign for International Technology Transfer designed to assist developing communities and countries. Parties utilizing the Hannaian Open University may utilize the full facilities of free of charge so long as they follow the applicable HOU terms and guidelines.

HOU services are available entirely free to a wide variety of individuals or entities for teaching and training activities such as college courses & study groups, high school, middle, and elementary school courses and tutorials, sunday school classes, bible study groups, small company employee training sessions, coroporate and professional training, continuing education, community education, day care schooling, home schooling, and more. The SchoolGenes platform is extremely flexible and interactive and Users of HOU can design their course, class, or training program in any format they choose.

Registrants utilizing HOU to teach or train a group online must consult with HOU administration if they intend to charge fees to the students or trainees. Generally this is prohibited unless specifically arranged with HOU administration. Users of the free HOU facilities will be summarily banned if they do not follow the terms and guidelines for such use.

Bands of Excellence

The Smartest Students Meet At and are eligible upon invitation to participate in the various Bands of Excellence within SchoolGenes. HRI Bands of Excellence are unique in that they are designed to facilitate "Student Banding" into honor society type academic clubs based on areas of subject matter and discipline. These Bands afford top students, faculty and experts in the respective subject matter special opportunities to meet, share, discuss, explore and report on important issues within the discipline. "Bands of Excellence" foster academic excellence and scholarship. Membership in a Band of Excellence can only be accomplished by invitation. Any member of a Band of Excellence may invite a deserving SchoolGenes member who they feel possesses the requisite academic skills to be a contributing asset to the respective Band. Standard HRI Bands of Excellence within SchoolGenes include, Math, Basic Sciences, Humanities, History, Health Sciences, Engineering, Music, Performing Arts, Religion, Law and others. Registrants may also establish their own "Band of Excellence" to band or bring together top students and experts to promote excellence and scholarship in a particular area of learning and academic interest.

Why Students, Academic Teaching Institutions, & Corporations Should Utilize

  1. The Hannaian Research Instituteis a private Institute involved in the burdgeoning new growth industry of Academic Technology Transfer specializing in the services and mechanisms of developing Innovation and taking ideas from research & development to commercial product and market stage.
  2. As part of its mission to promote Intellectual Property Commercialization, and Academic and International Technology Transfer, the Hannaian Research Institute develops unique and specialized online courses of exceptional academic quality. These courses can be delivered as purely Online courses, or as Classroom Proctored Online courses.
  3. Also, unique to HRI and as part of its mission to recognize and promote the importance of Intellectual Property in modern global business transactions, all HRI courses are designed to teach the subject matter involved with special reference to, and consideration of, the fundamentals of Intellectual Property protection and commercialization. This ensures that students in all HRI developed courses receive the unique benefit of understanding how their particular course or area of interest and study relates to real world economics and business. This important aspect of HRI developed courses is designated as "Tech Transfer Enabled" (TTE).
  4. While students cannot always access the best teachers and best programs for their needs due to geographical limitations, online education allows such access. The best teachers and best courses are available to students wherever they are located. In other words through online education students can gain access to the best teacher and program available no matter where they are located.
  5. Online education can assist institutions in reducing costs while increasing education productivity. More students can be reached with effective online education.
  6. utilizes proprietary state of the art technology developed and mainatined by HRI which can assist teaching institutions and corporations deliver their courses and training online and improve education efficiency, productivity and financial prudence.
  7. is a totally free and unique service to the academic community. It allows school administrations, faculty, students, school news personnel, school organizations and their leaders to create your own self controlled special interactive web space to showcase your programs, organization, news, accomplishments, interests  and issues.
  8. In addition, the general academic community may use the special "Issues In Education Group"to interact with other users of SchoolGenes about any Educational issue you desire.
  9. Corporate productivity training is an area of focus for the Institute. With its history of research and teaching in the securities and investments areas, HRI has special interests and expertise in developing corporate training modules.
  10. The special courses developed and administered by the Hannaian Research Institute are designed to bring the best and most accomplished instructors and unique course content to students either in need, or desirous of, the best in education.
  11. The Articulated Course & Institution Program is especially important to academic teaching institutions. The Articulation Partnership Program is specifically designed to assist HRI Articulated institutions in attracting students to their institutions. These students are directly marketed by HRI and attracted to the exceptional specialty courses developed and taught through the HRI online academic program.